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3 Components of a Good Logo

Choosing a logo can be difficult

With the right strategy and direction a good designer should be able to guide you through the process. I first want to explain that a logo is not a brand… It is an asset you will use to distinguish your product or service. If developed with the deep understanding of your core ideas, service strengths and weaknesses it can be your most powerful tool to capture your audience. Below are three visual components i believe are key to a great logo.


One of the most effective factors of having a simple logo is that it should be recognizable at a glance. Your subconscious mind must be able to recognize it as familiar long before your conscious mind has time to individually examine it. Accomplishing this is both a science and an art form. Your logo has to bring your particular brand to mind within a fraction of a second, and the quicker, the better.

A great logo is not only instantly recognizable, but it should also elicit an immediate emotional reaction. When the logo is simple in design, the mind can process it more quickly and efficiently so that your sensitive side can take over. Yet when a logo has a complicated design, it requires too much cognitive processing for it to have much of an emotional impact.

Appropriate Logos

A logo should be appropriate for the company it’s representing, this doesn’t necessarily mean it should be obviously tied to it though. Imagine the lettering used in the ToysRUs logo used by a law firm, not appropriate at all. And, although the ToysRUs logo doesn’t actually have any toys in it, it’s very appropriate for the company with its childlike script and bright colors. Examine your logo design to see if it conflicts with your company image or message in any way or if it’s complementary and appropriate.

Memorable Logos

And that obviously brings us to our next point. You want your logo to be remembered. You want people to see that logo and instantly know who you are. There is no question when you see the swoosh that it belongs to Nike or that the green mermaid is Starbucks. By sticking to the above keys of keeping your logo simple and appropriate you move much closer to achieving a memorable logo. After all, if your logo isn’t memorable then how will people ever associate it with your company and all that you have to offer?

Follow up

And that obviously brings us to our next point. You want your logo to be remembered. You want people to see that logo and instantly know who you are. There is no question when you see the swoosh that it belongs to Nike or that the green mermaid is Starbucks. By sticking to the above keys of keeping your logo simple and appropriate you move much closer to achieving a memorable logo. After all, if your logo isn’t memorable then how will people ever associate it with your company and all that you have to offer?

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hello I am a Anderson